Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Monday,we had speaking3 class.This week, we talk about 'Best Friend'.I worked with Chihiro and we introduced each of best friend.Her best friend's name is Ai and her appearance is short, long hair and big eyes. Her habit is walk with a quick step. Her character is kind, cheerful,and funny.I want to meet her.

This week's song is Avril song and I have ever heard this song. Then I was easy to hear this song.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Outline for essay 1-2a:Dance

Tittle;About Dancing

What sites are about; Dance
How I found them;website
Why I choose it:I did it sine I was a junior high school student and I'm interested in it.

About Hip-Hop
old one and new one

About Jazz hip-hop
old one and new one

How kinds of dance

recommendation to readers

History of dance

The history of dance may be as long as the history of mankind. We can only guess how dances looked like in earlier epochs.

An early manuscript describing dance is the Natya Shastra on which the modern interpritation classical Indian dance is based.

The early Greeks made the art of dancing into a system, expressive of all the different passions.
For example, the dance of the Furies, so represented, would create complete terror among those who witnessed them. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, ranked dancing with poetry, and said that certain dancers, with rhythm applied to gesture, could express manners, passions, and actions. The most eminent Greek sculptors studied the attitude of the dancers for their art of imitating the passions

Throughout history, people have danced as part of religious rituals and social celebrations. It is traceable through many prehistoric documents. Court dancing has existed perhaps as long as there have been kings and queens. A brief outline might include folk, social, ballroom, religious, and experimental dance forms. One major branch of dance is Theatrical Dance as it has evolved in the Western World. However the dance that we can recognize and know now is ballet, which first evolved in the renaissance of the 1500s in France.

Typing homework;My other classes

I'll talk about ' My other classes'. I take 'other culture’s communication' and I can learn state which is the other country's communication. In this class, we investigate each of religion in the world and we watch the video. We watch many kinds of videos. For example, last week, we watch Haiku's video. Haiku is tradition in Japan but recently, Haiku I famous in overseas.Then,what we say in other words when we tell for foreigner Haiku. These things very difficult but I can learn many things at this class.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BR: The Teeny~Tiny Woman

I read the book name ' The Teeny~Tiny Woman'. This story's leading charactor is teeny tiny woman. One day, she found a bone when she go to graveyeard and she decided to make soup with this bone. She came home then she was very sleepy so she put the bone in her cabinet. Some voice woke up the teeny tiny woman.This voice said ' Give me my bone' and she was very surprise. She was bit scared. However the voice became biger so she throw away the bone from the window.

This story is the end! I was very surprise that this book's story is mysterious. However I think that children can elevate their imagination if they read it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BR; Christmas Carol

I read 'A Chiristmas Carol'. This book is famouse and this story made into a film so many people know it.

The revenant of mate Murray of work before shows up to obstinacy and sourpuss's Scurugee in stinginess at Eve's night.
The great length of chain twines around the body of Murray who was the rationality as a penalty for postmortem, and it suffers. He said to Scrooge 'Your chain is longer, and heavier than I. However, you still have hope. 'It advises.
He left a message that three spirits of the deads would show up tonight and left.

The first spirits of the dead who shows up tempts him to the past world still loved by innocence .The second sprits of the dead shows up general of him.The last spirits of the dead shows a certain man's future.
After that, He change his mind and he spend his life happy.

I always thinking are there real ghost this world. Surely, there are many ghost in this world and they are watching there family,relatives and friends.

Essay:My experience in England

I'll talk about my memories in high school.
I went there only two weeks but this experience was very useful for me. I was very nervous before I go to England because I had to stay the house all alone. However I was very excited too! I like to study English and I want to stay the house all alone because I was convinced that this experience will be useful for me.

I have been to home stay in Canada when I am a junior high school student but then we stayed one house with 2 peoples.Of course, the experience was very fun for me but I relied on a Japanese friend and was not able to study English hard. However when I go to England ,It was not possible to live if I not talk with my host family because I stayed there all alone.Then it became a chance that my power improve more.

I went to school in England and I talked with students from many kinds of countries .I could learn each of country's custom, language and history. I'm very appreciate with my two host families in Canada and England.I want to see my host families again.

Speaking 3 class

It was my speaking class yesterday. We talked about animal and we asked question our classmate. Mr.Tomei asked some questions and he choose students ramdon so it was very nurvous for us.Next, Ayaka pretended a teacher and she asked some questions for us. She really looked like a teacher. After that,we prepared 'Survey's presentation'.Then Mr.Tomei called me and he had me choose the tune. I choose a singer who I dan't know but I know the song. Mr.Tomei is very fun so the class very excited for me. I'm looking forward to next class.

Essay 1-02a Dance

Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music,[1] used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual orperformance setting.
Dance may also be regarded as a form of
nonverbal communication between humans, and is also performed by other animals (bee dance, patterns of behaviour such as a mating dance).Gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming are sports that incorporate dance, while martial arts kata are often compared to dances. Motion in ordinarily inanimate objects may also be described as dances (the leaves danced in the wind).
Definitions of what constitutes dance are dependent on
social, cultural, aesthetic, artistic andmoral constraints and range from functional movement (such as folk dance) to virtuosotechniques such as ballet. Dance can be participatory, social or performed for an audience. It can also be ceremonial, competitive or erotic. Dance movements may be without significance in themselves, such as in ballet or European folk dance, or have a gestural vocabulary/symbolicsystem as in many Asian dances. Dance can embody or express ideas, emotions or tell a story.
Dancing has evolved many styles.
Breakdancing and Krumping are related to the hip hop culture. African dance is interpretive. Ballet, Ballroom, Waltz, and Tango are classical styles of dance while Square and the Electric Slide are forms of step dances.
Every dance, no matter what style, has something in common. It not only involves flexibility and body movement, but also physics. If the proper physics is not taken into consideration, injuries may occur.
Choreography is the art of creating dances. The person who creates (i.e., choreographs) a dance is known as the choreography.

Dace have many kind of style and we can see each of personality through dancing. Moreover, dance makes us healthy and happy. If you have some chance to dance,please try it!!



Monday, May 17, 2010

Free writing

I decided to write about Dance.I did it when I was a high school student.I dance 4 times in a week.I go to dance school 2 times in a week and Dapp which is the Kumamoto university's dance circle go 2 times in a week.I dance two kinds of it.One is the Hip-Hop and the other is Jazz Hip-Hop.Both of two is very fun for me.9 July,I will dance at club house and I am very excited. I want to learn dance more and I want to try other dance.For example, Whack, Panking, Reggae and so on. I want to go America and I want to see the home of dance.


My term is England.

Sherlocke homes
Harry Potter

Friday, May 14, 2010

Typing homework

I will talk about How I study English.First I study English with words.I think that word is most important to study English.Word compose everything of English.Next we try to talk with native people. It is the most easy to learn English.We talk with native people,we can learn English and foreign country's custom. If you want to learn English,you have to do these things.After that we can study more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book reviw:The little Giraff

I read 'The Little Giraffe'.This story's main is Giraffe and Rhino.

They are vest friend and they looked for food everyday.They can't find some food so went to see the wise man.He make a magic drink for them.However only the little giraffe visit the wise man and drink it.Then the little giraffe's neck grew longer and longer.

I was surprised that there are these legend of giraffe's neck.So that, giraffe's neck is very long nowadays.


Book review:The emperoe New Clothes

I read 'The emperor's New Clothes'.This story is very famous and I had ever read this story.

Once upon a time there was an emperor who loved clothes. He really didn't care about anything else.One day,two strangers rushed up to him and they sad we can make finest clothes in the world.The emperor was very excited and he decided to make finest clothes. However this two strangers is swindlers but the emperor don't know it.He will be put to shame.

I think after this book read that we should not trust someone easily.I don't want to shame that I trust someone easily.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Typing Homework;Food/eating habits

I talk about my eating habits. I think that my easting habits is very bad because my eating habits is very irregularity.
I sometimes don't eat breakfast.This is the reason that I have no time in the morning.
When I don't eat breakfast,I can't thinking very well and feel very bad.When I eat breakfast,I can stay all the time healthy.It is the truth no doubt.
I try to eat breakfast.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dance in 'Dapp'

Today, I went to Kumamoto university because I belong to 'Dapp' which is Kumamoto university's dance club.Today is my first practice day!
First I was very nervous because I don't know everyone.However I found someone who I know.Then I was very very happy and I could cut off my nervous.
We did rhythm training first,next we were taught routine.Routine means choreography dance.It was the most exciting for me and I could let off my stress.
Today was a very very very good day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My grand mother

Today,I went to meet my father side's grandmother.She looked very fine so I was very relive. Therefore we went to eat and we ate Udon.It was very good.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My best friend

Today, I met my friend who went to same high school.I met her after interval one year.She is my best friend and I can talk everything to her.I think that it is important we have these friend.She is my soul mate.
First,we ate dinner in restaurant.1st April was her birthday so I prepared her present and gave her.I gave her a handkerchief and pinky ring.The pinky ring which I have same one. She was very happy when I gave it to her.I was very happy too because she seemed to be happy.
Today was very happy day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Essay:My dream

This essay,I'll talk about JOCV so col led Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.The reason why I was going to talk about this story, I was very interested in JOCV's work in abroad.If I can enter this cooperation,I will. When I was a junior high school student,I thought belonging to the JOCV seriously.However my parents opposed my idea. The reason why my parents opposed can be when I thinking now because the work is very dangerous.Of course, I knew that when I was junior high school student but I wanted to work this corporation.
I'll introduce JOCV's work.JOCV's clue teach something for poor people and It has divided in some sections. For example,Sport,Health and Education and so on. We can't this job until we will be 20.
I had done ballet 10 years so there might be a possibility that I can be teach ballet at the JOCV's work. I hope so.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BR-4;The Princess and the Pea

I read the book 'The Princess of the Pea' First, I don't know the Pea means but I could understand while reading it.

There once was prince,who wanted marry a princess. He looked everywhere and could not find one. One day there was a big storm, a young woman who claims to be a princess knocks at the castle door. But it is not certain that she is real princess. The queen knows just how to find out.They decide the princess by how to use own pea.