

Welcome to my Portfolios page!

Revised by: 09145
Date: 2010.07.15

This is Aoi's portfolios. I wrote my daily life, my homework and so on. I learned many things to make own blog. May be, visitors will find my effort and I want to know that for them.  I would like to remember this blog express my happy life.

 0.0. Proto-Portfolios


Reflections on Proto-Portfolios

I could type quickly more than first semester.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio

[Briefly explain the organization and content of your 2nd Semester Portfolio about here.]

2.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay

[Explain which is your best essay from 2nd sem., and why you think so. Give at least two (2+) reasons. Provide a direct link to it in a short display title, keeping the URL hidden from view.]

Overall Essay Developments

[Explain two or three (2-3) of the most important, overall developments evident in your essay writing this ... year, and in which semester(s) you made them.]

2.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review

[Explain which is your best book review from 2nd sem., and why you think so. Give at least two (2+) reasons. Provide a direct link to it in a short display title, keeping the URL hidden from view.]

Overall Book Review Developments

[Explain two or three (2-3) of the most important, overall developments evident in your book review writing this ... year, and in which semester(s) you made them.]

2.3. Additional Highlights and Reflections

[Suggest other aspects of your writing this year that you feel are or have been especially important, and explain briefly why you think so. If possible, point out specific examples of work on your blog or spreadsheets that show what you feel is important for portfolio reviewers to consider.]

1.0. 1st Semester Portfolio

1st Semester's content is almost my dairy and homework.


1.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
My best essay is 'History of dance' why I choose this because I love dance. Moreover, I'm very interested in dance.http://aoi-aois2.blogspot.com/2010/05/nets-information.html

Overall Essay Developments
Most important things is I have to write everything correctly  what I want to tell other people. In addition, I wrote my essay, easy to read for everyone but may be I couldn't this. Of course, I wrote with many words.


1.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
My best book review is ' Christmas carol' because I like this story and this story is known by many people. Moreover, this story easy to read and easy to write.http://aoi-aois2.blogspot.com/2010/05/br-christmas-carol.html

Overall Book Review Developments
Fist, I tried to collect what the writer want to say. Writing books has something want to say so I tried it.
Second, I wrote that my favorite parts. I want to tell why I choose the book and telling good part made them, want to read the book.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio

