Friday, January 7, 2011

BR 2-13; Caves

I read the book ‘Caves’ and this book introduce what is the cave and what is caver. Cave is rock hole and some of them are very beautiful and mysterious. Cave made by many accidentally. Cave made by rain, rock and carbon dioxide and they work when being beautiful cave.

And, caver has to go into the cave with many goods. In cave, it place is very dangerous and they have to very careful. First of all, when we go into the cave, we have to have hard hat because it will stop a rock hitting their head. Second, we have to ware boots to be safe from slipping the rock. Third, we have to bring a torch. It help to us in the cave. After that, they can into the cave. I had never entered in cave so I want to have this experience.

[145 words]

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