Thursday, July 1, 2010

BR:12 The sorcerer's Apprentice

I read the book 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. This story's main player is Max who work at the sorcerer's workshop. The workshop's owner is a sorcerer. Max wants to learn magic but the sorcerer never let him do any magic.

One day, the sorcerer have to go into the town and he have to buy something. For example, dragon's egg, goblin's toenails, a tube of pixie's earwax and so on. Max was astonished that the sorcerer had never let him alone in the castle before. Max thought, 'I will be able to have a free time’. However, the sorcerer said 'You have to do with a good scrub but first fill up the water tank ' and he was gone with a puff of purple smoke.

'Well. Don’t just stand there' croaked a little voice. 'You have to work to do'. It was Tabitha, sorcerer's toad. However, Max said 'I have been working all morning and I need a rest first' . Then, Max came up with good plan. Last week, sorcerer had cast a spell on a broomstick had come to life and done everything the sorcerer asked. Max decided to use the same way. Max closed his eyes and thought for a moment and he said the magic words. All at once, the broomstick came to life and it grew two skinny arms and legs. He ordered the broomstick, 'Fetch me some water and be quick about it' after he ordered, he was fast asleep.

He woke up the Tabitha's voice and Tabitha looks very in haste. Max jumped to his feet and look the water tank, water was sloshing over the sides of the tank and broomstick kept carrying some water to the tank. Max said to the broomstick 'Stop it' but broomstick didn't stop it. Max decided to cut in half the broomstick. He grabbed a hatchet and swung it down hard. Max thought 'We did it' but two broomsticks were moving gradually and both of two were growing new arms and legs. Max can't do anything and the water tank just flood.

Then, the sorcerer came back home and he was very surprise. He said some magic words, the two broomsticks stop it and they return just broom. The sorcerer was very angry but in his mind, he thought that Max will be very good sorcerer.The sorcerer's thinking is true and Max grew up the very talented sorcerer but he never approach every broomsticks.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Aoi,

    I'm wondering: Is the content of this book review entirely original? That is, is it all your own ideas, in your own words?

    Please let me know.

    Cheers, PB
