Tuesday, November 2, 2010

BR2-03 ; Living with a volcano

I read the book that 'a Volcano' an this book introduce about volcano.

A volcano is a mountain with a large hole at the top. Active volcanoes can be dangerous because they can erupt, or produce very hot, melted rock. In sicily, there are several towns near a large volcano. I think that, if I were the town's people, I move my house quickly. Why they live near the volcano? In Kyushu, Kagoshima has volcano and sometimes it erupt. Then, town's people have to shelter from the erupting volcano. In this book said, 'Man and volcano have big relation'. First, I didn't understand this mean. However, when I finished read this book, I understand this mean.

Some people live with the money which made by volcano. The volcanic ash makes excellent farmland and many people are also making money from tourist who come to see the eruptions. These things made people living peacefully.

Surprisingly, there are volcanologists and they scientists who have made watching Mount Etna their life's work. i don't want to work these dangerous working!

Now, It's not easy to know what the volcano will do next. Even with all of their studies , scientist still son't always understand what happening deep within the earth. So, we can't catch volcano's condition, if the volcano erupt. However, someday the science progress and we can catch volcano's condition.

I had never seen some volcano so I have chance to go Kagoshima, I want to see the volcano.


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