Friday, December 24, 2010

BR 2-11: Papua New Guinea

I read the book 'papua New Guinea'. I didn't know about Papua New Guinea before I read this book. I'm very interested in traditional country like Papua New Guinea. I've never learned tropical country so I am happy to read it. I tell you about Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea is in New Guinea island and this island is the secound leargest island in the world. The people who is living in Papua New Guinea and they called Melanesia. Papua New Guiena was named by Spanish explorer. Papua mean Melanesia's curly hair and it is Malay. New Guinea mean Melanesia looks like Guinea who live in Africa so the Spanish explorer named Papua New Guinea. This country is very traditional and we can't survive if we live there. I think that they are very strong.

I'll talk about Papua new Guinea's culture. There are 800 languages in Papua New Guinea and this things is one of the different point. I can't imagine it because Japanese have one language. In addition, they paint on thier body and it express the deep bound with a bird of paradise. I want to try painting on my body.

I am very glad to learn about Papua New Guinea. I want to trip to their and I try to cultural things. Papua New Guinea's nature is very beautiful so I want to diving. In addition, I want to meet the people who live in Papua New Guinea. It looks like very interesting!

[248 words]

Monday, December 20, 2010

Essay 2-03a

Hi everyone! Today, I’ll talk about my present university and how will be my university after 25 years. I’m Gakuen University student and now, I’m grade two at university. My university was constructed in 1942 and Gakuen University has very deep history. Moreover, Gakuen University is one of the famous universities in Kumamoto. So, if you come to Gakuen University, absolutely you can find your friend!

After 25 years, I’ll be 45 years old and may be, I’ll have some children. Moreover, my children will go KGU. I hope that the university continues. Then, I’ll compare present university days with after 25 year’s university days. First, I’ll talk about present university days.

There are many students in Gakuen University and they each belongs one faculty. There are 4 faculties in Gakuen Univ. and the department of commercial science, economics, social welfare and foreign language. We can choose only one faculty. In other words, we have to choose just one faculty. In the class, all teacher use blackboard and they write on the blackboard. They write important words or sentences in the board and almost teacher give us some prints. However, we almost study from the prints and teacher’s talking. Now, we can choose class so our school timetable is deferent each other. We can choose about 15 classes and we can choose some classes, which we are interested in that. Then, we have term examination and we have to come the school. If we absent, we can’t get credit. Instead of an examination, we have to write a paper but after 25 years, we can have examination at own house so we can get credit if we only study. In addition, we can have examination when we will be sick.

After 25 years, there are few students in Gakuen University because the declining birth rate is being carried fast. Now, there are about 7000 students in this university. However, there will be about 6000 students after 25 years. After 25 years, there are 6 faculties in Gakuen University. I think that faculty will increase because internationalization will be more and we will have to study many things more than now. For example, these faculty will add; the faculty of low, the faculty of communication. Communication is very important from now. May be, Japan government will try to raise many kinds of technology and then, we need other countries help. In this situation, it may be advantageous to me. Moreover, we have to choose two faculties this reason is the same.

In the class, we have class with an iPad so we will not use blackboard. We will use iPads at the class so we need not have many prints. We can preserve all things in the iPad!
If the thing will true, we can have the class very easy. Moreover, we can have term examination at my house after 25 years. If we have term examination at the house, teacher can keep an eye on them. Because, we will have term examination at PC and the technology will be well more then now.

I think that we will have more useful school life after 25 years because the technology will be well. Now, the facilities of Gakuen University are well. There are many PCs and there are many books in the library. In addition, we can easy to go abroad and study. I can’t go Gakuen University after 25 years. However, if I have children after 25 years, I want to recommend this university to my children. I will be able to enroll my children in Gakuen University because I know about Gakuen University so I can relief. Moreover, I think that Gakuen University is very good university. When I was a high school student, I have but image to this university. However, I like this university now and I spend very good time now. So, I want to spend these good times to my children and I hope that my children will be able to spend good time.

I choose these faculties because this is my hope and dream. If Gakuen University will be like my idea, we can learn more things.

[694 words]

Thursday, December 16, 2010

BR 2-10: Butler

I read the book 'Butluer School'.
After the graduation. the students have a small party- compleate with champagne. 'I did it' says one very happy student. 'To good health' says Mr. Spencer. Before they came here, these young men and women may have driven buses, worked with computers, or even worked in restaurants od stores. Now, they are butlers and they are part of a very old English tradition. The lvor Spencer for Butler Administrators has done its job well.

I like this sentence because the school graduating is very difficult and this sentence made by graduation student. I didn’t know there are the butler school and butler have to practice many things, for example: how to carry champagne and glasses, how to serve drinks courteously and how to choose wine. There are many things more and they can graduate. Mr. Spencer is the labor the school. He said 'Important things is keeping their hopes up'. I think that too and these things can say everything!

I had never seen butler so I want to meet them. And, I want to ask them why did you enter the school. Moreover, why did you want to be butler? Then, I want to practice a little with them. Do you want to that?

Hinle,2008, Thomson Heiline, USA
[131 words]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Univ. life


Hi everyone. Today, I’ll talk about my university and how will be the university after 25 years. First, I’ll talk about my present university.

There are many students in Gakuen University and every student have a good time. We choose about 15 classes; moreover we had about 20 classes when I was a first grade at university. Now, I belonged to English class so I study English. Moreover, we have to choose second language so I choose Spanish. Then, there are 4 languages, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, French. French is the most difficult class and my friend said so.

I think there are a few people in university after 25 years. The reason why, a declining number of children is being carried fast. Then, may be class will decrease and teacher will decrease too. Moreover, we have to choose third and forth languages because Japan will more internationalize.

[147 words]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2-02c My learning language

I’ll talk about my learning language experience. I learned 3 languages; Japanese, English and Spanish. I’ll talk these languages my experience. I think that I have good learning language experience. First, I’ll introduce my Japanese learning experience.

We naturally learn Japanese if we are Japan people. When I was young, our parents teach us easy words at first. May be, almost people’s first language teacher are their parents. Moreover, first every parent thought this word to their child, Papa or Mama. My mother said that I think, mama first. I think that we are very happy because we could say the person who born us and take our life. In addition, this is very wonderful thing.
When we enter the primary school, we study national language. We call it Kokugo in Japanese. We study at primary school many things, for example, kanji, and novel. These things make us talk in Japanese easily but it is very difficult to foreigner. Japanese have many parts of speech called Hinshi in Japanese. There are 11 Hinshi in Japanese and these things make Japanese difficult. Moreover, Japanese have difficult honorific word, so sometimes I think that Japanese is very difficult. I have to learn Japanese during me alive.Next, I’ll introduce my English learning experience.

I started English when I was a junior high school student. We had English class and first we studied spell. I was very interested in English because I’ve never seen this language then. I studied very hard and English became my forte field. These things guided I choose English class at high school and university. English used many countries and it is official language. Then, we have to study hard English. English sentence made noun, verb and pronoun so English is easier than Japanese. English used many countries and regions but pronunciation is different at each region. 
When I was a junior high school student and high school student, I went to England and Canada exchange student. Then, I experienced different pronunciation. Usually, we pronounce English American English so I pronounced English by American English when I went to England. Then, my host mother said to me “British English’s pronunciation is true”. I was very surprised but I accepted words. British proud their English pronunciation, and I could understand different pronunciation. I want to master both of pronunciation and I want to spread my outlook. Third, I’ll talk about my Spanish learning experience.

University, I learned it when I was first grade. We have to choose one secondly language. I choose Spanish because Spanish used many countries too. It was very interesting to me but Spanish’s pronunciation was very difficult. When we speak in Spanish, sometimes we have to speak with a trill. This is the most difficult things for me. Spanish class’s impact is very big because the teacher is very unique. I want to study Spanish more but I like English too so I have to study both languages.There are many languages in this world. I learn only 3 languages so I want to study many languages.

I want to go France and Italy when I have free time and much money. I want to study very hard and moreover; I study various countries’ each culture too. Now, I want to study Korean very much because my favorite movie and drama star is Korean. So I want to go Korean too.
[565 words]

Typing HW: My favorite vacation memory

Hi everyone. Today, I’ll talk about my favorite vacation memory. My favorite vacation memory is traveling to Canada when I was a junior high school student. I went to Canada in summer vacation but in Canada, a little cold. I took almost half T-shirt so very cold.
I had a very good experience in Canada. I went to school in Canada and I made many friends. Moreover, my host family was very kind and they were like real family. I made Japanese dishes at once, and then they ate every dish. While visiting in Canada, I had my birthday so my host mother made me a big cake. I was very moving my mind and I very appreciate my host family. This is the very good vacation memory.
[128 words]

Typing HW: My favorite travel

Hi everyone. Today, I’ll talk about my favorite travel. My favorite travel is ‘Visiting to food shop’. I like eating so I find good food shop when I go to travel. I’ll introduce my recommend restaurant.
First, ‘Hakatakiraku is n Fukuoka and this restaurant’s dishes are very delicious. I went to there with my friend and we can eat steak. Moreover, this steak is ‘Sagagyuu’, it was very delicious.
Next, ‘Meteo’ is in Ooita and this restaurant’s view is very good. We can eat breakfast in terrace. Moreover, this restaurant’s dessert is very delicious. For example, strawberry ice-cream is amazing!
When you go travel, you should go with your friend. Then, you can enjoy your travel and you have to go my recommend restaurant!
[124 words]

Typing HW: My favorite clothing

Hi everyone! Today, I’ll talk about my favorite clothing. My favorite cloth is one-piece and half pants. I have 2 reasons why I like one-piece and half pants.
First, I’ll talk about why I like one-piece. One-piece is very useful and easy to put on. When I have to hurry or busy, I often wear one-piece. One-piece is very cute and I can express feminine. My boy friend like one-piece so I buy one-piece very often when I go to shopping.
Next, I’ll talk about why I like half pants. Half pants fit almost the clothing. For example, T-shirt, long shirt, mini one-piece and so on.
I think, girls is more profit than boys. We can many ways of fushion.

[120 words]

Speaking 4 Restaurant

Hi everyone. I am ‘Mozzallera’ restaurant’s staff. Today, I’ll introduce my restaurant. My restaurant’s owner is Cheeza Macarroni and he is very fat. However, he is very kind and interesting man. He has unique idea and he can make very unique dishes. He is liked by every staffs, moreover town’s people too. And, there are 4 staffs in my restaurant. Daisuke Yamaguchi is second owner and he is very smart. He is always in this restaurant and he takes charge of restaurant’s accounting. We respect him very much. Kana Ooki is designer of my restaurant. She decorated the inside of the restaurant and she has very nice sense. Recently, she decided to change the inside od restaurant. She wants to design more beautiful and clean. Chihiro Yamashita can make delicious sweet. Her sweet is very famous and she win the contest of sweet. Aoi Nozoe is regular staff and she can carry dishes very quickly.
And, I’ll introduce my restaurant’s history. In 1960, Cheesa Macarroni opened this restaurant. He loved pizza and pasta so he ate these dishes almost everyday. Then, there were many mozzallera cheese in this restaurant dish’s menu. Gradually, he gained his weight and he had become fat. That’s why people said ‘he looks like mozzollera chese’. After that, he called ‘Mozzallera chef’ from towns people. He is very famous chef because his dishes were very delicious. Moreover, he was the fattest chef in the world. Then, this restaurant had no name so he decided to name this restaurant ‘Mozzallera’. Now, this restaurant is very famous restaurant and high class restaurant. Many people come to this restaurant from all over the world. Please enjoy our restaurant.
Next, I’ll introduce my restaurant’s menu.

Chicken salad
This salad is very healthy, chicken’s seasoning is basil. The flavor is so good. You can eat not to mind the calorie.

Seared born-less
This chicken is very tender. It was roasted, the surface is crisp and inside is juicy. The seasoning is lemon.

Tomato and cheese
Our shop’s special is cheese, so this menu is our recommendation. The tomato is so fresh. Please try this one.

Vongola is a bivalve’s pasta. We use this shellfish’s extract. This pasta’s seasoning is garlic.

We recommend this pasta. We cook this pasta with much cheese and bacon. The seasoning is strong, but you find the good taste.

Salmon and Cheese 1000
Mushroom and Teriyaki chicken 1500
Pizza has two kinds. One is Salmon and Cheese and the price is 1000. Owner, Cheeza Macaroni goes fishing every morning, so the salmon is fresh. Also, you can choose one cheese of the six. So you can enjoy many kinds of taste. The other is Mushroom and Teriyaki chicken and the price is 1500. The teriyaki chicken is so juicy. The teriyaki chicken matches mushroom, so it is delicious pizza.
・Pudding 600
・Chocolate cake 700
・Cassis mousse 500
Dessert has three kinds. Pudding is custard pudding and the price is 600. The owner, Cheeza Macaroni keeps chicken and the hen lays eggs every day. He uses the eggs, so it is so fresh. It is smooth and delicious. You can choose cool pudding or hot pudding. Chocolate cake is the most popular of the three. It is used expensive chocolate, so it is rich cake. The price is 700. Cassis mousse has a sweet and sour taste. Animals in the forest bring good cassis every day. The color of the mousse is pink and the shape is heart, so it is cute. The price is 500 and it is reasonable.
If you order Course Dish, you can enjoy anti pasta mist with 5 kinds of vegetable, pate de foie gras, couliflower potage, bream and scallop or beef and avocado and dessert buffet. We have a lot of kinds of dessert.
Our restaurant is particular about cheese. You can choose cheese. There are 7 kinds of cheese, red cheese, green cheese, blue cheese, black cheese, slim cheese, rose cheese and sunflower cheese. Of these cheese, we recommend rose cheese. This cheese is rare one, so you can't eat this cheese at other restaurant. Please try to order this cheese.
Third, I’ll introduce one how to cook for you.
A pizza’s dough
Boiled tomato: half of can
Salt: One teaspoon
Mozzarella: A block
Three of basils
Olive oil: Moderate amount

Strain boiled tomatoes, and remove seeds and the skin. Then Add salt the strained tomatoes. Spread the tomato sauce on the dough, put sliced mozzarella cheese, basil, and salmon. Next, bake the pizza with 250℃ for 10 minutes. Let out the pizza from oven when it is scorched.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

BR 2-09: Diana

When she was young she always loved children, and wanted to help them. So now she worked with many charities to help children in hospital. She worked with one important charity at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, in London. The Queen and Prince Charles often visit hospitals and help charities. They asked people to give money to the hospitals and charities. People listened to them because thy were very famous. Diana was famous and beautiful, too. So a lot of people started to give money to Diana's charities. But when Diana visited children in hospital, she wanted to give them more than money. She wanted to give them love. She sat on the their beds and talked to them. She listened to them. Sometimes she hugged them with her arms. She tried to make them happy. And the photographers took pictures of her with the children.

I like this paragraph and thus sentence express about her. After I read this book, I think that it is very hard princess. Diana wanted to free I think. If I were Diana, I can't relax. I want to volunteer like her.
[1996 British Company]
[192 words]

Monday, December 6, 2010

Speaking class4

Today, I’ll talk about last week’s Speaking class 4. Last week, we talked about ‘Favorite’ and we recommended our favorite place.

First, I’ll introduce my favorite. My favorite movie is ‘Love Actually’. This movie made by 19 man and woman. This is a 2003 romantic comedy movie written and directed by Richard Curtis. The movie delves into different aspects of love as shown through ten separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals. You have to see it! My favorite place I recommended is ‘Smiley cafe’. This place is in Shimotouri and near the Swiss. In this café, Taku works at there and when I go to Smiley café, he gave very good service. Moreover, the café’s dishes price is good for student. For example, pasta is 800yen, cake is 400yen and drink is 200yen. Cake is very delicious and staff is very kind for us. You should go there!!

Azusa recommended ‘Food’ and this is like bar. She said dishes price cheep. Pasta is 600yen, cocktail is 300yen and so on. In this bar, there are many kinds of cocktail. I want to go there.
[186 words]

BR 2-08

I read the book ‘Titanic’ and Titanic mean ship’s name. Moreover, the movie ‘Titanic’ is very famous and I watched the movie many times. This book tells us what the Titanic was and why is it there, nearly 4000 meters under the sea in North Atlantic.

Titanic made in 1912 and fifteen thousand made it in North Ireland. It was the biggest ship in the world and it was one of the fastest ships in the world too. It was 265 meters long, and 28 meters across. It could go at 46 kilometers an hour, so it was one of the fastest ships in the world. Titanic was very beautiful. The rooms for the first class passengers like Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Astor. They liked these rooms which were very expensive. Moreover, the rooms for second class passengers were beautiful too but not third passengers. They were not rich. They were working people from England and Ireland and they wanted to live America They had small rooms, a long way under the first and second class passengers. In the movie, first class passenger is Rose and third class’s passenger is Jack. Titanic is panic and love movie.

On April 10 1912, the Titanic went from Southampton, in England to Cork in Ireland. On the night of 14 April the sea was quiet. The weather was very good but it was very cold. So most of people stayed in their rooms and drinking, talking and listening to music. However, this day was the end of Titanic. At 11.40, Titanic bumped big iceberg and started to inundation. I can't swim so may be, I will panic when I was in the ship. The Titanic had twenty lifeboats. There boats could carry 1178 people but there were 2207 people in the ship. If I were these people who were in the Titanic, I can’t keep my mind.

Now, there is much furniture which was in the Titanic. We can see it and touch it. I want to see these furniture. If I can, I want to sea the ship. We don’t forget this misfortune.
[351 words]

Friday, December 3, 2010

Typing HW; My favorite shoes

I’ll talk about my favorite shoes. I like sneaker because I am usually in my sneaker when I do dance. My sneaker’s bland name is MAD and this sneaker is very famous. My sneaker’s color is red and I always put on it. This sneaker is very easy to put on and fit dancing.

MAD is very colorful sneaker and foe example, red, blue, yellow and so on. It looks very loud but this is the MAD’s point. I want to black sneaker so I find the sneaker now. However, there are quite black sneakers.

Moreover, I like Converse too. Converse is famous bland too and Converse is more famous than MAD. I don’t have Converse so I want to buy it.

[122 words]

Typing HW; My favorite car

Today, I’ll talk about my favorite car. I don’t know about car because I am not interested in car. However, I want to buy own car. I love pink so I will buy the car which color is pink. Sometimes, I saw the pink car then I want to car very much! Moreover, I want to buy a low displacement car. For example, ‘Moco’ , ‘Tanto’ and so on. I don’t know detail but these cars are very famous and my friends drive ‘Moco’.

However, first I have to get car license but I don’t want to go. May be, I can’t drive smooth. Now, my friend goes to the car school and she said ‘The school is very boring’. However, I will go the school next year.

[128 words]

BR 2-07: Cupid the dolphin

I read the book that 'Cupid the Dolphin'. I like the dolphin because they are very cute and intelligent. However, reentry the dolphin is in immediate danger and will usually die.

This book introduced the dolphin name 'Cupid' which helped by human. Moreover, Cupid id stranded dolphin. If the animal is released directly back into the ocean, it will probably die or get stranded again In addition, it will be eaten by predators. However, if the animal says on the beach without human help. It will certainly die as well.

Cupid helped by fisherman who name Christopher Cruse. He didn't know how long Cupid is there. The time period when a dolphin is out of the ocean is extremely important. Keeping the animal wet is essential. So, he decided to move Cupid center pool. In this place, more than 90 percent of the mammals that are rescued by the Network are bottlenose dolphins, like Cupid. I think that we have to release to ocean but a stranded animal, they will die.

Rescuing some animal is important things but we have to think of animal.

[180 words]